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Thermae & Spa Medicine March 2012 Vol. 1, N°1
graphic analysis of the ethanolic eluates (organic
isolates) Varian Star 3400 CX capillary chromato-
graph with the following parameters were used.
Column: 30 m x 0.32 mm, quartz capillary;
stationary phase: 1
m, PTE-5, 5% diphenyl–
95% methyl-polysyloxane; septum-equipped pro-
grammable injector at 220 oC; temperature pro-
gramming; flame ionization detector at 280 oC;
carrier gas: helium (11 psi, 30 cm/min linear flow
rate) (Varga and Groska, 1999). The eluates were
analysed immediately, then they were stored at
room temperature.
3. Results
GC fingerprints of the studied medicinal waters
are shown in Figures 2–6. The first two chro-
matograms (of Hévíz and Sárvár) are similar but
not identical. The fingerprint of Hévíz lake wa-
ter contains little peaks under the conditions used
during the analysis. Only 13 peaks were practi-
cally detected in the range of 12-22 min. with
a total area of 254,107 counts. (See the chro-
matogram in Fig. 2.)
Figure 2. Héviz lake water, gas chromatogram (detector signal in volts vs. retention time)
Highly similar chromatogram can be seen at
Sárvár spa water sample (Fig. 3.). The ratio of the
detected and rejected peaks were here 26/4 with
an area counted 485,864. The highest peaks may
be observed in the 10-15 min range of retention
time (RT).